Baselines & Carbon Footprint

'What gets measured gets done'... simple but it's true. In order to get to where you want to be, you must first know where you are and in environmental sustainability, that means that at some point you need to find out your carbon footprint.

Once you have decided upon your strategy with clear goals and objectives, it is time to baseline your environmental footprint. Typically this means undertaking a carbon footprint exercise, though it may also mean gaining an understanding of your natural assets as part of a biodiversity strategy.

There are three options to consider. The first is a screening exercise, which is a quick way of gaining an overview of your carbon footprint. This is typically used to help with deciding upon a roadmap of activity prior to announcing your strategy. It provides valuable insight into the expected target areas, or hot spots, within your footprint.

The second is a full carbon footprint. This is a deep dive into all aspects of your operation, considering your scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. For more information into what scope 1, 2 and 3 are, take a look at our resources section which will provide you with a little more insight into this area.

Finally, if you decide you want to commit to annual reductions and/or a Net Zero target, you will need to report on your carbon footprint annually. We can support you with setting up processes within your teams to enable this to happen as part of standard operations in your reporting year.

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